Monthly Archives: January 2014

Animal Shelters …

The HSUS, known as the “Humane Society of United States”, estimates that animal shelters care for 6-8 million dogs and cats every year in the United States, of whom approximately 3-4 million are euthanized. the ways they are killed are: Lethal injection, Decompression chamber, Gas chamber, Electrocution, ext… in my opinion, this is animal cruelty. they deserve to live, just like everybody else in this world, this is totally bias for animals, and America is setting a bad example by euthanizing pets. the amount of animals that get killed is unbelievable, and outrageous. I don’t understand how people can think its okay to make up an animals mind for them, if animals knew what humans were doing in the animal shelters, they would go crazy. In my opinion, Animals are so different from people, Animals are loving and caring and love you no matter what, Humans on the other hand can be so hateful and mean to animals for no reason and it sickens me.

Some people have no respect for gods creatures, and its a shame because gods looking down wondering why we cant just live in a world of peace, and get along with each other. Anyway, animal shelters should not be able to kill animals, they call it an “Animal Shelter, not an Animal Kill Zone”. And that’s not fair either, how they can get away with that, animals don’t do anything wrong, their innocent and yet there the ones getting killed each day by the dozen, shouldn’t we be killing the criminals who go and bomb places and murder families and rape girls? No, instead they get put in jail and get treated better than the elderly in the nursing homes! criminals have dental care in prison and its ridiculous, they shouldn’t be rewarded for what they’ve done, they get put in prison to be punished, not rewarded.

the way the world works these days is unfair for pets and people, I wish I could get people to read this and most of you wont but if you do please, help the animals, they need our help, you wouldn’t like it too much if you were an animal and was about to be killed and didn’t even know it… would you? did you know that It is impossible to determine how many stray dogs and cats live in the US; estimates for cats alone range up to 70 million, Approximately 8-12 million companion animals enter animal shelters nationwide every year and approximately 5-9 million are euthanized (60%of dogs and 70% of cats). we need to stop this, Help save the voiceless…




Top Ten Ways to Protect “Animal Rights”…

There are many ways animal lovers can make a huge difference. From assisting in the care and placement of shelter animals, to educating the public on animal welfare issues, to fighting for stronger animal legislation, you too can help.

1. One of the best things you can do to help animals in your community is to keep a list of people, including a humane law enforcement officer to contact in case of an emergency.

2. Don’t use animal tested things such as makeup, shampoo, perfumes, Ext…

3.Get to know the animals in your neighborhood, look out for sighs of animal abuse, watch the animals behavior.

4. Volunteering at your local shelter is a great way to make a difference in the lives of many animals, and helps with the Animal Rights.

5.Wild animals need protection, too. Birds, mammals and reptiles are often injured or killed by the trash we throw away, so if you happen to take a walk thru a park and you stumble upon some trash on the ground or tables, just throw them in a baggie, tie it and then throw it into the garbage. 🙂

6.. The Kanab, Utah-based organization was founded in 1984 with the purpose of providing safe and loving homes for dogs and cats of all kinds; its mission today is still “No more homeless pets”, Our mission as a community is to take in any homeless pets, Make sure there not injured, Make sure there feed, And make sure they get lots of sleep.

7.The Nonhuman Rights Project is the only organization working toward actual LEGAL rights for members of species other than our own, if there’s ever a problem in your community, Please call the police so they can do there job by protecting the community and pets.

8.Animal welfare, rights, and protection is one of the most popular issue areas to which individual donors give and is an area in which colleagues working in the field are extremely passionate. Without human support, many animals face abuse, neglect, and suffering… we as a community, need to help if we ever see an animal in need, we need to take them in and nurse them, acknowledge them, Care for them, Love them. Then if you decide you want to call the animal shelter, you can, if not then you get to have a new pet 🙂

9. As of last month, 46 states had approved felony-level penalties for certain acts of animal cruelty, and 31 of those states upped the animal cruelty ante from misdemeanor- to felony-level charges during the last 10 years, if you happen to see someone abuse or neglect an animal, call the police.

10.A truly compassionate society would limit breeding to the number of animals that can be sold to responsible owners each year.
